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All Things May

Jenna Grace May

Hello friends,

It's time I check in again and bring you up to speed with all things May. Yep, May. As in, Jenna Grace May. It's official! David and I finally tied the knot on June 11th in a tiny mountain town in North Carolina.

(Photo: Mabyn Ludke Photography)

The wedding was a dream come true because I got to marry my best friend with all of the people I love most cheering us on.

(Photo: Mabyn Ludke Photography)

We were overjoyed to finally be husband and wife! We quickly left for our honeymoon in Colorado so I could show David where I grew up and we could make some adventurous memories!

Now we are back and recently celebrated our one month anniversary, or monthiversary as I like to call it. We are still settling into our new home as David looks for a job in our new town. He currently lives 2 hours away and comes home on the weekends. We weren't exactly planning that. We stepped out in faith and went ahead and moved me to Maryville believing for God to open a door for a job David had applied for. We thought it would come through and it didn't. My recent post, Back To Life, was inspired by this setback.

We've had a place on our hearts for sometime that we would like to move to, but the timing isn't quite right just yet. That's why I ended up in the town I am in now. We believed God was leading us here first. Well, God did lead us here cause here we are. We have decided to make the best of it. David will get a job here...hopefully sooner rather than later, and we will settle in.

The exciting thing for us is to have this house to live in. We have a beautiful little house we rented in a cute quiet neighborhood. We got an old piano and we have our studio all set up for recording. We decided to take this year that we have signed this lease for and to work hard toward our dreams. We have started the songwriting for our next record and will be recording it as we have time. We are both very excited for the songs that this new season is birthing in us and can't wait to lead some of them at the churches we sing at.

Today, I decided to start thinking of this year as a time to bond and a time to prepare before we make the next move to the city that God has kept on our hearts for so long. So we are taking it day by day, embracing the twists and turns and looking for the lovely in the every day moments.

It helps me to know that we have a timeframe (Lord willing) and a goal to work toward. In my mind it's like a count down, and that makes it more exciting for me. I want to make sure to take it all in and enjoy this first crazy year of marriage while working on building a ministry together as one.

So that's where we're at as of now. Abundantly blessed and joyfully married. Waiting for a few things to work out, but thanking God for each moment that we have.

I am so grateful for those of you who have followed our journey this far. We will have known each other and led worship together for 5 years this August! I can't believe how much has changed in those long yet quick years, but that's a post for another day.

With all my love and appreciation,

Jenna Grace May

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