// J U S T B L O O M //
I’ve always struggled with the phrase “bloom where you’re planted.” I moved a lot growing up and I never really felt planted anywhere. I always dreamed of bigger things and of different places, and I felt kind of like a gypsy most days. Eventually I did plant myself somewhere and I quite love it, but I’ve still learned a lot through my travels and through all the changes that I’ve faced in life. I don’t connect with the phrase “bloom where you’re planted” because really God just asks us to bloom. Just bloom. So rather than bloom where you’re planted, let’s bloom with the soil and seeds that we’ve been given. We don’t need to always attach that phrase to a location, or a place. But we need to bloom with the things that God has given us here and now for such a time as this. Even if where you are is temporary. It’s really about the blooming of your heart. Look at what God has given you and gifted you with. The soil & the seeds. Cultivate that, tend to it, and give it back to Him. Bloom. Just bloom with the soil & the seeds that you’ve been given. Plant yourself in God. He will work out the details...the what, where, and how. Dig your roots down deep in Him & you will see the blooms come to life.
// “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him & He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6) //